24.99 euro

Kids on Bikes
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Gioco di ruolo in Inglese
Kids on Bikes is a Collaborative Storytelling RPG set in small towns with big adventure!
The door to the old house creaks open, the rust on the hinges groaning as you see the dust floating like spores in the air inside. By the faint light of your cheap flashlights, you see the stairs to the upper floor, its railings gnarled and broken like crooked teeth. Their curve makes the stairs seem almost like a hungry grin, and you wonder if their age will support your weight. Still, you must go in.
The only question is who will go first?
In Kids on Bikes, you'll take on the roles of everyday people grappling with strange, terrifying, and very, very powerful forces that they cannot defeat, control, or even fully understand. The only way to face them is to work together, use your strengths, and know when you just have to run as fast as you can.
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Magic Store

Magic Store nasce nel 1999 come negozio specializzato nell'Hobby Game. L'attività si sviluppa nel 2001 con l'apertura dello store online e l'inizio dell'attività di distribuzione. Oggi Magic Store distribuisce tutti i principali giochi di carte collezionabili e relativi accessori, miniature, giochi da tavolo, giocattoli e collezionabili in genere. Assortimento, servizio, cura del cliente e supporto alle attività di Gioco Organizzato sono la nostra missione. Mettici alla prova.


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